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Southwest On Demand Game Archive

Basketball basketball icon Boys

Wed, 02/21/24

B7 Sub District Tournament @ York

62 Hastings High School,Tigers  Mascot Hastings High SchoolTigers
41 Grand Island Northwest,Vikings Mascot Grand Island NorthwestVikings
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Wed, 02/21/24

B-8 Sub-District in Scottsbluff

61 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
43 Gering High School,Bulldogs Mascot Gering High SchoolBulldogs
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 02/20/24

D1-10 Sub-District at Benkelman

57 Cambridge,Trojans Mascot CambridgeTrojans
39 Hitchcock County,Falcons Mascot Hitchcock CountyFalcons
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 02/20/24

C1-6 Sub District Tournament at Fillmore Central

46 Aurora,Huskies Mascot AuroraHuskies
38 Central City,Bison Mascot Central CityBison
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 02/20/24

D2-8 Sub-District at Hayes Center

50 Medicine Valley,Raiders Mascot Medicine ValleyRaiders
44 Southwest,Roughriders Mascot SouthwestRoughriders
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 02/20/24

D1-10 Sub-District at Benkelman

58 Dundy County-Stratton,Tigers Mascot Dundy County-StrattonTigers
29 Wauneta-Palisade,Broncos Mascot Wauneta-PalisadeBroncos
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 02/20/24

C1-9 Sub District Tournament at Doniphan-Trumbull

51 Doniphan-Trumbull,Cardinals Mascot Doniphan-TrumbullCardinals
37 St Paul,Wildcats  Mascot St PaulWildcats
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 02/20/24

C2-10 Sub District Tournament @ GICC

62 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
30 Arcadia-Loup City,Rebels Mascot Arcadia-Loup CityRebels
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 02/20/24

Class B Sub District 7(Final) at Northwest

39 Grand Island Northwest,Vikings Mascot Grand Island NorthwestVikings
27 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 02/20/24

A-4 district at Gretna

72 Gretna High School,Dragons Mascot Gretna High SchoolDragons
22 Grand Island Senior High,Islanders Mascot Grand Island Senior HighIslanders