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Cambridge On Demand Game Archive

Basketball basketball icon Boys

Thu, 01/25/24

Southwest Conference Tournament in Gothenburg - Consolation

65 Ainsworth,Bulldogs Mascot AinsworthBulldogs
50 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Thu, 01/25/24

Centennial Conference Tournament (Semi-Final at Hastings St Cecilia)

42 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
32 Hastings St. Cecilia,Bluehawks  Mascot Hastings St. CeciliaBluehawks
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/23/24

RPAC Tournament in Bertrand

48 Cambridge,Trojans Mascot CambridgeTrojans
40 Arapahoe,Warriors Mascot ArapahoeWarriors
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/23/24

Southwest Conference Tournament in Gothenburg

62 Gothenburg,Swedes Mascot GothenburgSwedes
45 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/23/24

Central Conference quarterfinals

54 Aurora,Huskies Mascot AuroraHuskies
36 Seward High School,Bluejays Mascot Seward High SchoolBluejays
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 01/23/24

75 Omaha Bryan High School,Bears  Mascot Omaha Bryan High SchoolBears
50 Grand Island Senior High,Islanders Mascot Grand Island Senior HighIslanders
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 01/23/24

Southwest Conference Tournament in Gothenburg

59 Gothenburg,Swedes Mascot GothenburgSwedes
41 McCook High School,Bison Mascot McCook High SchoolBison
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 01/23/24

Central Conference quarterfinals

51 Crete High School,Cardinals Mascot Crete High SchoolCardinals
33 Aurora,Huskies Mascot AuroraHuskies
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Tue, 01/23/24

53 Grand Island Senior High,Islanders Mascot Grand Island Senior HighIslanders
2 Omaha Bryan High School,Bears  Mascot Omaha Bryan High SchoolBears
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Mon, 01/22/24

RPAC Tournament in Bertrand

44 Alma,Cardinals Mascot AlmaCardinals
36 Cambridge,Trojans Mascot CambridgeTrojans