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Cambridge On Demand Game Archive

Baseball baseball icon

Thu, 03/28/24

13 Lincoln Northwest,Falcons Mascot Lincoln NorthwestFalcons
3 Aurora,Huskies Mascot AuroraHuskies
Baseball baseball icon

Fri, 03/15/24

10 Millard North High School,Mustangs  Mascot Millard North High SchoolMustangs
6 Grand Island Senior High,Islanders Mascot Grand Island Senior HighIslanders
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Sat, 03/09/24

D2 State Championship - Pinnacle Bank Arena

54 Shelton,Bulldogs Mascot SheltonBulldogs
42 Maywood-Hayes Center,Wolves Mascot Maywood-Hayes CenterWolves
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Fri, 03/08/24

D2 State Semi-Final at Bob Devaney Sports Center in Lincoln

53 Maywood-Hayes Center,Wolves Mascot Maywood-Hayes CenterWolves
48 Sumner-Eddyville-Miller ,Mustangs Mascot Sumner-Eddyville-Miller Mustangs
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Thu, 03/07/24

D1 State Tournament at Pinnacle Bank Arena in Lincoln

62 Ainsworth,Bulldogs Mascot AinsworthBulldogs
55 Dundy County-Stratton,Tigers Mascot Dundy County-StrattonTigers
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Wed, 03/06/24

D2 State Tournament at Bob Devaney Sports Center in Lincoln

58 Maywood-Hayes Center,Wolves Mascot Maywood-Hayes CenterWolves
50 Elm Creek,Buffaloes Mascot Elm CreekBuffaloes
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Sat, 03/02/24

3rd Place Game at Lincoln East

36 Bridgeport,Bulldogs Mascot BridgeportBulldogs
32 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Fri, 03/01/24

Semi-Final at Pinnacle Bank Arena

37 Sidney High School,Red Raiders Mascot Sidney High SchoolRed Raiders
35 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
Basketball basketball icon Girls

Thu, 02/29/24

Bob Devaney Sports Center (Quarter Final)

49 Grand Island Central Catholic,Crusaders  Mascot Grand Island Central CatholicCrusaders
33 Broken Bow,Indians  Mascot Broken BowIndians
Basketball basketball icon Boys

Tue, 02/27/24

D1 District Final played at Southern Valley High School - Winner Advances to State

46 Dundy County-Stratton,Tigers Mascot Dundy County-StrattonTigers
33 Sutton,Mustangs  Mascot SuttonMustangs